Emotional health and well-being

Well-being is a particular state or feeling that can be recognized by satisfaction, enjoyment & pleasure. The person is relaxed and expresses inner rest, feels the energy flow and radiates vitality, is open to the surroundings, accessible and flexible.

– Professor Ferre Laevers.

Our Approach

Before your child starts, the Nursery Manager will arrange at least three free introductory visits. These are short visits of approximately one hour when we welcome you and your child to spend some time in the nursery. This enables your child to become familiar with the setting,  staff and children, with the security of having you present. It is also an opportunity for you to meet your child’s Key Person and Buddy, to exchange information.

 The exact number and timing of these visits will vary according to the individual needs of each child. The details of these will be discussed and worked out with you. Usually, 3 or 4 visits are arranged; on the final visit we encourage you to leave your child for a short time at the setting.

 During introductory visits, your child’s key person will discuss the Leuven Wellbeing and Involvement Scales, this provides information on the levels of development and learning that a child has achieved on entry to the nursery. It should be
emphasised that the emotional well-being and involvement scales is not a test, the abilities and skills of all children vary.

 The information observed by applying the Leuven Wellbeing and Involvement Scales, helps ensure that the Nursery Team value each child and will plan to provide stimulating interventions which open impulses that produce involvement, such as:

  • suggesting activities to children
  • inviting children to communicate
  • asking thought-provoking questions and giving rich information.

 The Nursery Team will:

  • Encourage them to use their own initiative to explore their interests.
  • Give them room for experimentation
  • Let them decide upon the way an activity is performed.
  • Let them participate in the setting of values and rules.

For more information click here.

TM Key Person
Face painting at Childerwood
