We are so fortunate to operate a nursery blessed with such wonderful families and children. Being a part of your lives and experiences really is a pleasure and is the driving force behind why our nursery team work so hard to provide a setting which offers the children so much more than just an education.
So, on that note, we will now confirm our two competition winners:
The first winner comes under the category ‘most creative’, belonging to LL. The nursery children often admired this ‘Astracrow’ as they entered and left the setting, benefitting from the very education celestial discussions we would have as he proudly wore the planets on the outside of his spacesuit.
We will now share a parent comment that we recieved with our second winning scarecrow, belonging to US in the category ‘Most Inspiring Scarecrow’ :
Last year we made a scarecrow with a lot of help from U’s Great Nanna – it was fantastic and we made the best memories spending a good few days on it. I always thought it would be a tradition going forward that Nanny helps us to make it for nursery in the years to come.
Sadly she passed away a few weeks ago and the scarecrow comp came around again… we knew we needed to honour Nanny and make it between the family – we all got together and helped each other to create U’s scarecrow called Lindy, after her Nanna Linda.
We’ve used bits from Nanna’s home and we feel honoured to have made one again in her memory.
What I’m trying to say is I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart; allowing us to create that memory for me, U and my Nan. She took a great interest in U’s nursery goings on.
Sometimes it isn’t ‘just a task you’re setting the little ones and their families but actually creating memories which last a lifetime, it means an awful lot to some.
Thank you 🙂
These beautiful memories are so heart-warming and should remind all of us of the important role we play in directing these vital life experiences which become much cherished childhood memories as our children grow into adults.
Thank you so much to the children and both families, for these wonderful contributions. Both scarecrows looked fantastic and delighted everyone that came their way.