
01603 865477


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7:30AM - 5:30PM

Every child matters

All our children are respected, with their individuality and potential recognised, valued, and nurtured. Our attitudes, activities, and resources enable children to develop in a prejudice-free environment. Children are provided with appropriate opportunities to explore, acknowledge, and value both similarities and differences between themselves and others.

We carefully select resources that depict a wide range of communities positively, avoiding stereotypes or derogatory images, and celebrate a variety of festivals. As a Rights Respecting nursery with a core ethos of kindness, we uphold the rights of all children and individuals associated with the nursery. This includes the right to make decisions, try new things, make mistakes, and learn to interact positively with others.

children's hands in a circle

Creating a culture of mutual respect is paramount, helping children understand that discriminatory behaviour and remarks are harmful and not welcomed in our nurseries. Our planning is tailored and inclusive to children with learning difficulties and disabilities, with any necessary special arrangements to promote inclusion communicated to staff.

Children with English as a second language are encouraged to fully participate in the curriculum and maintain their own language. We utilise Tiny Talk signing and visual timetables when needed.

For more details about our support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), please visit the Norfolk Community Directory.

Culture Capital

When Ofsted says ‘cultural capital’, they define it as the ‘knowledge children need to prepare them for their future success’ and be ‘educated citizens’. This can vary based on location and household and in Early Years, the definition of cultural capital might mean things like:

  •  Knowing how a library works.
  • Knowing how to apologise to others. 
  • Being good at taking turns.
  • Having the opportunity to visit a museum.

At Childerwood we recognise that not all children have access to all these things or this kind of knowledge or support and we work hard to ensure cultural capital is something we share and teach in our everyday practice.

British Values

In the Early Years Inspection Framework, Ofsted state that in a ‘Good’ setting, “Practitioners value and promote equality and diversity and prepare children for life in modern Britain.” They go on to explain that we do this by “developing children’s understanding of fundamental British values.”

 That is why at Childerwood we aim to include:

  • Democracy – by making decisions together, so that everyone has an equal right and is treated equally.
  • The rule of law – by helping children to understand that actions have consequences, understanding right from wrong and promoting our setting ‘golden rules’.
  • Individual liberty – by giving children a positive sense of themselves, allowing them to explore their interests safely and take managed risks.
  • Mutual respect and tolerance – by celebrating and embracing all beliefs, cultures, races and perspectives. Not only at specific times of year, but always.